Cloud 84 is Una, Himachal based premium Digital Signature Reseller. This is a quick post based on our observations for ITR filing issues with digital signatures. Until now this information is not validated by Income Tax and Certifying Authorities (SIFY, E-Mudhra, nCode etc). At present, We are not 100% sure if Income Tax Department Website stopped working with Class 3 digital signatures.
Today I got 3-4 complaints for class 3 Signatures that they are not working with Income Tax website. One of my Chartered Accountant told me that he used same class 3 DSC for previous year ITR but same DSC is not working now on Income Tax website. Another CA also confirmed same problem.
After login it gives error:
I go through Income Tax website trouble shooting but not found information on this particular error. I also talked to other SIFY & E-Mudhra RA's they confirmed that class 3 digital signatures are not working with Income tax website from this year.
So investigation is still under process. If somebody has success or got same error for filing Income Tax Return with class 3 digital signature then share your experience in comments area.
About Cloud84:
Cloud84 is a Himachal Pradesh based premium digital Signature (dsc) Reseller. We provide E-Mudhra Class 2 and Class 3 digital signatures in India.
If you have any query then ask it by calling us (8351091922) or filling query form below.
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