Digital Signatures for Indian Railways E-Procurement System (IREPS)

Digital Signature Requirement for Indian Railways E-Procurement (IREPS) official portal of Indian Railways for procurement of Goods, Works & Services, Sale of Materials, and Leasing of Assets through the process of E-Tendering, E-Auction or Reverse Auction.

The site is compliant to IT Act 2000 and follows the instructions/ guidelines issued by Ministry of Railways from time to time for procurement, sale and leasing. Security aspects of IREPS website are regularly tested by independent third party viz. M/s STQC, under department of IT (DIT), Government of India.

This website requires Class 3 Organisational Digital Signature to file tender. Attach your valid class III Digital Signature certificate to continue for the Bidder Registration:

Step 1:

For participation in e-auctioning through, Bidders must get themselves registered with valid Class III digital signature certificate. Before applying for Bidder registration. They may also call Helpdesk for any guidance & details on 011-23761525 .

Step 2:

Bidders need to have valid Class III Digital Signature Certificate issued by licensed CA with Firm's Name.

Step 3:

Bidders are advised to get Digital Signature certificates with same address as mentioned in the records of Railways/ approving/Registering Agencies and enter the same in respective columns in the form below to avoid any complication at later stage.

Step 4:

Only online Registration are allowed . You have to produce affidavit in your selected depot for approval of Registration of your firm by the depot User. Carefully Select your Railway and its depot in Bidder Registration form , later it will not be allowed to change & no other depot can approved the Request.

Click for IREPS Bidder Registration

Buy Class 3 Digital Signature with Firm Name

Document Checklist for e-Mudhra Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Documentation Requirement for  eMudhra Digital Signature

 dsc checklistApplying Digital Signature first time can be daunting task because how to fill form & documentation requirement makes things messy. Cloud84 made this whole process super easy. Follow this article to know documentation requirements for Individual (Indian & Foreigner) and Organisations (Indian & Foreigner) like companies, partnerships, BOI, Trust, LLP etc.


Individual DSC applicant don't need to fill any form and no need of any documents but Organisational Applicants need to complete required documentation.

Just press following button to  proceed.


Instructions for Applying DSC With Physical Application Form


KEEP following points in Mind when filling DSC Application:

  1. Signature of the applicant should be in Blue Ink only
  2. Signature of the applicant should be as it is in ID proof
  3. Photo of the applicant in application form should be cross signed
  4. All supporting documents should be attested by either of Gazetted Officer / Bank Manager / Post Master
  5. For proof of attesting officer either one of the below is mandatory –
    • Contact Details of Attesting Officer including the name, designation, office address and contact number. This should be as part of attestation. If provided separately, it should be attested either by Applicant or Attesting Officer.
    • OR Self Attested copy of Organisational Identity card of attesting officer
  6. Organizational Documents can also be attested by Authorized Signatory
      If Organizational Documents are attested by Authorized signatory, attested copy of the organisational ID Card of the Authorized signatory is mandatory.


List of Accepted Documents – Indian Individual

(Note: For Individual Physical Application Only. Aadhar based eKYC don't require any document. Click me to know more about OTP based eKYC)
Identity Proof (Any one of below) Address Proof (Any one of below)
  1. Passport
  2. PAN Card of the Applicant
  3. Driving Licence
  4. Post Office ID Card
  5. Bank Account Passbook containing the photograph and signed by an individual with attestation by the concerned Bank official
  6. Photo ID card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Centre/State Governments
  7. Any Government issued photo ID card bearing the signatures of the individual
  1. AADHAAR Card
  2. Voter ID Card
  3. Driving Licence (DL)/Registration Certificate (RC)
  4. Water Bill (Not older than 3 Months).
  5. Electricity Bill (Not older than 3 Months)
  6. Bank Statements signed by the bank (Not older than 3 Months)
  7. Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate
  8. Property Tax/ Corporation/ Municipal Corporation Receipt


List of Accepted Documents – Indian Organization

Document Name Company Partnership Proprietorship AOP/BOI LLP NGO/Trust
Copy of Applicant’s Organizational ID Card / Letter from Organization / Pay Slip YES  YES YES  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Organizational PAN Card YES YES  NO YES YES  YES
Copy of Bank Statement (First 2 Pages) YES YES  YES YES YES  YES
Copy of Incorporation/Registration Certificate YES  NO  NO  YES  YES YES
Copy of AOA & MOA / Rules / Bye laws (First 2 Pages)  YES NO  NO  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Last Income Tax Return / Audit Report & Annual Return / Self Affidavit with reason, if not available (First 2 Pages) YES YES YES  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Partnership Deed / Trust Deed / LLP Agreement containing the List of Partners / Signatories (2 Pages)  NO  YES  NO YES  YES
Copy of Business Registration Certificate (S&E / ST / VAT)  NO NO  YES NO NO NO
Proof of Authorized Signatory (Board Resolution) YES  YES  YES YES
Authorized Signatory Organizational ID Card / Self-Attested Letter of Organizational Identity YES YES YES YES YES YES
Copy of PAN Card of Applicant, if PAN provided YES YES YES YES YES YES


List of Accepted Documents – Foreign Individual

Identity Proof (All are mandatory) Address Proof (All are mandatory)
  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of VISA (If applicant is out of native country).
  3. Attested copy of Resident Permit certificate (If applicant is in India)
  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of any other Government issued Address Proof


List of Accepted Documents – Foreign Organization

Organizational Proof (All are mandatory)
  1. Attested copy of Incorporation / Registration Certificate
  2. Attested copy of Bank Statement
  3. Signed and Sealed Letter of authorization by authorized signatory.
  4. Current list of Directors / Partners in the Organization
  5. Certifying copy of Authority Signatory Organization ID proof


Foreign Attestation Procedure

Foreign Attestation procedure
  1. Embassy of Native Country (If applicant is out of native country)
  2. Apostilized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is in Hague Convention)
  3. Consularized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is not in Hague Convention)

Cloud84: Get Digital Signature with Aadhaar eKYC (OTP)

Recently E-Mudhra has started new process to authenticate DSC Applications. Now no need to fill lengthy forms or visit dsc vendor to give finger print. E-Mudhra has made process super easy by introducing Aadhaar eKYC based on OTP (You will get One Time Password on your mobile) based authentication. Cloud84 introducing same easy process to get DSC (Digital Signature). 

What you need to Get DSC

  1. You should have Aadhaar to continue with this transaction.
  2. Your Aadhaar should have either of Mobile or email ID linked to it.
  3. This process involves eKyc, eSign and Video Recording for all types of DSC issuance.
  4. You need USB Token to download DSC. (You can use your old Token or we can courier you new)

OTP eKYC steps for dsc

Steps to get DSC

  1. eKYC: Authenticate yourself using Aadhaar for eKYC with OTP
  2. eSign: Perform eSign through Aadhaar with OTP
  3. Video Recording: Record video while answering simple questions
  4. DSC: Obtain your DSC in minutes* after processing by eMudhra representative

How to Proceed for DSC Purchase ?

You would start by Paying DSC Fee Online then we will send you a link where you will fill your Aadhaar, Pan & Certificate details. Then you will follow onscreen instruction. That's it! Your DSC would be ready in minutes.

 About Cloud84:

Cloud84 is a Himachal Pradesh based premium digital Signature (dsc) Reseller. We provide E-Mudhra Class 2 and Class 3 digital signatures in India.

Do you need Digital Signature ?Press me to Proceed

cloud 84 dsc usb token

If you have any query then ask it by calling us (8351091922) or filling query form below.

30% Discount for first 500 DSC Custmoers

Cloud84 Offering 30% Discount for first 500 Customers who make their Digital Signature with Aadhaar OTP based eKYC. 

QR code to call Cloud84

+91 835 109 1922

Digital Signatures for Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC)

hrtc e-tender

Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) has introduced an e-procurement system to procure items electronically, using the internet. The system drastically reduces time and indirect costs involved in the tendering cycle. It also enhances transparency in the procurement process. To access the HRTC online tenders system, vendors require a PC with
• Any Windows XP SP3 (Windows 7 recommended) with latest Java Runtime Installed. It will not work on Android devices because of Java runtime issue.
• An 3g/4g/Broadband internet connection. Any fast connection would be ideal for smooth operation of the Himachal Road Transport Corporation tender portal.
• The web browser should be Java enabled. Either one of these can be used – Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.
• Drivers for digital signature certificates (DSC) has to be installed on the PC. if you have drives please download now.


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The HRTC e-procurement system can be accessed from any location. The HRTC e-procurement portal is very user friendly. Under the ‘Latest Active Tenders' link, users can view all tenders hosted on this portal and download the tender schedule. You can view the tenders  closing on the same day or close within 7 days or within next 14 days.

As per the Indian Information Technology Act 2000, a digitally-signed electronic document (soft copy) is as good as paper document for all legal purposes. Hence, after uploading tender-related documents on the tender portal, there is no need to submit the documents physically. The documents have to be provided for verification if required later. However, if the vendor chooses to make payments via offline methods the physical documents have to be submitted before the bid opening event.

A digital certificate, which is mandatory for online tenders, can be presented electronically to prove the owners’ identity, to sign certain documents digitally, to access information or services on the internet. E-Mudhra Digital Signature Certificates (DSC), issued by Cloud84, are ideal for online tendering, e-filing and other applications which require a secure digital credential.

Individuals or authorised representatives for organisations can purchase E-Mudhra class 2 or 3 DSC, based on their requirements. Cloud84 technical support team provides online and offline support for installation of digital signatures on the buyers’ computer systems.  We delivers eKYC based DSC  within 1 hour* on specific locations (Shimla, Una, Nahan, Palampur, Chandigarh, Delhi) and  for paper based application within 7 working days. Contact Us for more Information.

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