Class 3 Digital Signatures are not working with Income Tax Website

Cloud 84 is Una, Himachal based premium Digital Signature Reseller. This is a quick post based on our observations for ITR filing issues with digital signatures. Until now this information is not validated by Income Tax and Certifying Authorities (SIFY, E-Mudhra, nCode etc). At present, We are not 100% sure if Income Tax Department Website stopped working with Class 3 digital signatures.

Today I got 3-4 complaints for class 3 Signatures that they are not working with Income Tax website. One of my Chartered Accountant told me that he used same class 3 DSC for previous year ITR but same DSC is not working now on Income Tax website. Another CA also confirmed same problem.

After login it gives error:


I go through Income Tax website trouble shooting but not found information on this particular error. I also talked to other SIFY & E-Mudhra RA's they confirmed that class 3 digital signatures are not working with Income tax website from this year.

So investigation is still under process. If somebody has success or got same error for filing Income Tax Return with class 3 digital signature then share your experience in comments area.

About Cloud84:

Cloud84 is a Himachal Pradesh based premium digital Signature (dsc) Reseller. We provide E-Mudhra Class 2 and Class 3 digital signatures in India.

If you have any query then ask it by calling us (8351091922) or filling query form below.

[formget formcode='YuTW-182380/i' autoresize='true' height='791′ tab='tabbed' tabtext='Ask Your Query' position='bottom' bgcolor='17B86F']

Document Checklist for e-Mudhra Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Documentation Requirement for  eMudhra Digital Signature

 dsc checklistApplying Digital Signature first time can be daunting task because how to fill form & documentation requirement makes things messy. Cloud84 made this whole process super easy. Follow this article to know documentation requirements for Individual (Indian & Foreigner) and Organisations (Indian & Foreigner) like companies, partnerships, BOI, Trust, LLP etc.


Individual DSC applicant don't need to fill any form and no need of any documents but Organisational Applicants need to complete required documentation.

Just press following button to  proceed.


Instructions for Applying DSC With Physical Application Form


KEEP following points in Mind when filling DSC Application:

  1. Signature of the applicant should be in Blue Ink only
  2. Signature of the applicant should be as it is in ID proof
  3. Photo of the applicant in application form should be cross signed
  4. All supporting documents should be attested by either of Gazetted Officer / Bank Manager / Post Master
  5. For proof of attesting officer either one of the below is mandatory –
    • Contact Details of Attesting Officer including the name, designation, office address and contact number. This should be as part of attestation. If provided separately, it should be attested either by Applicant or Attesting Officer.
    • OR Self Attested copy of Organisational Identity card of attesting officer
  6. Organizational Documents can also be attested by Authorized Signatory
      If Organizational Documents are attested by Authorized signatory, attested copy of the organisational ID Card of the Authorized signatory is mandatory.


List of Accepted Documents – Indian Individual

(Note: For Individual Physical Application Only. Aadhar based eKYC don't require any document. Click me to know more about OTP based eKYC)
Identity Proof (Any one of below) Address Proof (Any one of below)
  1. Passport
  2. PAN Card of the Applicant
  3. Driving Licence
  4. Post Office ID Card
  5. Bank Account Passbook containing the photograph and signed by an individual with attestation by the concerned Bank official
  6. Photo ID card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Centre/State Governments
  7. Any Government issued photo ID card bearing the signatures of the individual
  1. AADHAAR Card
  2. Voter ID Card
  3. Driving Licence (DL)/Registration Certificate (RC)
  4. Water Bill (Not older than 3 Months).
  5. Electricity Bill (Not older than 3 Months)
  6. Bank Statements signed by the bank (Not older than 3 Months)
  7. Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate
  8. Property Tax/ Corporation/ Municipal Corporation Receipt


List of Accepted Documents – Indian Organization

Document Name Company Partnership Proprietorship AOP/BOI LLP NGO/Trust
Copy of Applicant’s Organizational ID Card / Letter from Organization / Pay Slip YES  YES YES  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Organizational PAN Card YES YES  NO YES YES  YES
Copy of Bank Statement (First 2 Pages) YES YES  YES YES YES  YES
Copy of Incorporation/Registration Certificate YES  NO  NO  YES  YES YES
Copy of AOA & MOA / Rules / Bye laws (First 2 Pages)  YES NO  NO  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Last Income Tax Return / Audit Report & Annual Return / Self Affidavit with reason, if not available (First 2 Pages) YES YES YES  YES  YES  YES
Copy of Partnership Deed / Trust Deed / LLP Agreement containing the List of Partners / Signatories (2 Pages)  NO  YES  NO YES  YES
Copy of Business Registration Certificate (S&E / ST / VAT)  NO NO  YES NO NO NO
Proof of Authorized Signatory (Board Resolution) YES  YES  YES YES
Authorized Signatory Organizational ID Card / Self-Attested Letter of Organizational Identity YES YES YES YES YES YES
Copy of PAN Card of Applicant, if PAN provided YES YES YES YES YES YES


List of Accepted Documents – Foreign Individual

Identity Proof (All are mandatory) Address Proof (All are mandatory)
  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of VISA (If applicant is out of native country).
  3. Attested copy of Resident Permit certificate (If applicant is in India)
  1. Attested copy of Applicant Passport
  2. Attested copy of any other Government issued Address Proof


List of Accepted Documents – Foreign Organization

Organizational Proof (All are mandatory)
  1. Attested copy of Incorporation / Registration Certificate
  2. Attested copy of Bank Statement
  3. Signed and Sealed Letter of authorization by authorized signatory.
  4. Current list of Directors / Partners in the Organization
  5. Certifying copy of Authority Signatory Organization ID proof


Foreign Attestation Procedure

Foreign Attestation procedure
  1. Embassy of Native Country (If applicant is out of native country)
  2. Apostilized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is in Hague Convention)
  3. Consularized by Native Country, after Public Notary (if country is not in Hague Convention)